We would like to help you discover how KPIs drive the growth and success of your dental business.
This is why we are happy to share the latest Q&A released by Clear Vision.
KPI specialist Dee Garish is pleased to share important details that you can use to enhance your patient experience, stimulate growth for your dental business and generate increased income.
Q: Hi Dee, I’ve heard colleagues talk about ‘KPIs’ and how they are measuring them. What exactly is a KPI and how can it help my dental business?
A: You’ll appreciate that your business success and results don’t come out of thin air. They are a consequence of the strength and effectiveness of your everyday activities.
The beauty of focusing on your KPIs and improving them is that it helps you achieve the double whammy of:
• Enhancing your patient experience and care
• Improving the success and driving the growth of your practice
When you are deciding what KPIs to measure in your dental business, consider the following:
Your goals
You may have a business goal to provide an exquisite patient ‘journey’.
In this instance, you will increase your chances of achieving this goal by measuring each step in this journey. So KPIs like the level of new patient enquiries converted to appointment, whether or not your new patients go on to book a second appointment and ‘convert’ to ongoing patients and so on.
You can sense how working on improving this type of KPI helps you achieve the double whammy above.
Your untapped potential
Maximising your patient experience and care starts with having patients attend regularly, to see both the dentist and hygienist.
So measure and improve your success in these areas. This includes KPIs such as your patient recall rates and also your ‘hygiene concentration rate’ – the amount of patients who will benefit from hygiene care and do visit the hygienist.
Of course, when you improve these numbers, it benefits your business too. Double whammy nailed.
Do all your existing patients know about all your existing services? Accessing untapped potential can sometimes be as simple as making sure they do.
Your patients’ priorities
One school of thought suggests that when you look after what your patients care about, the rest will follow.
For instance, I have seen dentists measure the % of patients seen on time.
So consider how your patients evaluate their experience with you. Then measure it.
You’ll need to get your team involved in defining, measuring and improving your KPIs.
You’ll find it’s well worth the effort when you start to have productive conversations on the improvements you can make.”
Do you want to find out more?
Contact Dee on 01249 712074 or via email dee.gerrish@cvag.co.uk
or visit