Top 5 reasons to consider Temping!

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With the high demands of permanent employment these days, it is no wonder that the temping market is in high demand. With factors such as...

With the high demands of permanent employment these days, it is no wonder that the temping market is in high demand.

With factors such as inflexible hours, clashes with colleagues or managers and unsatisfactory salaries, life as a temporary employee can be a breath of fresh air. Travelling from position to position, soaking up all that experience and meeting a varied selection of people can be very rewarding and if you feel unhappy in a position then you have the freedom to move on to another practice.

Here we have outlined the top 5 benefits of temping and why it is something that Dental Nurses are considering more than ever.

YOU are in control!

Temping allows you to vary many factors to your job(s) such as the hours that you work, the practice that you work in and the position that you hold. If you decide after working 3 or 6 months in one position that you would like to vary your role a little for example, then you could try something new with your next position. Temping works particularly well for parents as you can specifically tailor your working hours around your childcare. Many parents are struggling creating the right balance between their work and home life- if you are one of them, then temping may be for you.

Another benefit is that you get to try out a position with a “no-strings” view. It may be that you do not like your working environment and if this is the case, you can simply leave to find a more suited position. It may be however that you love it and if this is the case, you can aim to secure a permanent position.

It is important to note that your notice of leave depends on the contract that you have in place. Some companies require a notice of leave, others do not. This is something you would need to confirm with your agency.

Less work-related stress

With recent UK reports revealing that more employees are suffering from work-related stress than ever before, it is wise to consider whether you are in the right working environment.

Temping allows flexibility so if your personal circumstances change, you can change your work schedule to suit. With permanent positions, many people also suffer from boredom or burn-out due to performing the same duties and striving for the same targets, day-in and day-out. Temping allows for a more varied working life.

Learn new skills and experience more

In a permanent position as a DCP, it may be that all your contract requires of you is to work in surgery 5 days a week with the occasional reception shift to break up your week.

What if you fancied retraining as something else? A Treatment Coordinator for example? It may be that your employer isn’t as keen on this idea and is happy for you to stick to your contracted position.

Rather than seek another permanent position as a Dental Nurse/Treatment Coordinator and risk the chance that you may not like the TCO role, you could always temp in a couple of practices and get a feel for the role. You may end up loving it and secure a permanent position doing it full time!

These are all opportunities available to you, you just need to grab them. Temping allows you to try new things, build up your CV and your confidence too. By working in different environments and learning new skills, you are making yourself very desirable to potential employers, so when that dream job does come along, you will be first in line.

You are still protected

Temporary workers are still employed, the only difference is that the employment is on a temporary basis rather than a permanent one. You are still entitled to the same benefits of a permanent employee once you have fulfilled the qualifying period of 12 weeks employment.


If you do decide to join the world of temporary employment, why not experiment? Try things you would not have normally considered, you may end up enjoying yourself. You may end up retraining, undertaking new qualifications and moving into another field of dentistry altogether! Temping is an exciting prospect, one that more and more DCP’s are getting a lot of personal and job satisfaction from.